Health insurance benefits for maternity

Health insurance benefits are clearly regulated during maternity in Switzerland. Health insurers ensure that mothers and their newborns receive comprehensive care without financial worries. This blog provides an overview of health insurance benefits during maternity in Switzerland.

Maternity health insurance
30.08.2024  |  Reading time: 9 Minute

Statutory health insurance requirements for maternity

Basic insurance covers benefits during pregnancy, birth and the postnatal period. The legal requirements guarantee that all expectant mothers have access to the necessary medical services.

Health insurance benefits during pregnancy

Basic insurance covers all necessary preventive check-ups during pregnancy. The necessary check-ups are listed below:

  • Regular check-ups: Gynaecological examinations, ultrasound examinations and blood tests to monitor the health of mother and child.
  • Prenatal diagnostics: Examinations for the early detection of anomalies or genetic diseases.
  • Counselling sessions: Pregnant women are entitled to counselling sessions with their doctor or midwife.

Health insurance covers 7 check-ups and 2 ultrasound examinations during pregnancy. In the case of high-risk pregnancies, additional check-ups may be necessary, which are also covered by basic insurance.

Birth preparation

Health insurance companies often cover the costs of antenatal classes, which provide valuable information and practical tips on childbirth, coping with pain and the early days with a newborn. It is advisable to enquire with your health insurance provider before registering for a course to find out whether and to what extent the costs are covered.

Services during the birth

Basic insurance covers the full cost of the birth, regardless of whether the birth takes place in a hospital, birthing centre or at home. The benefits covered include

  • Medical care: Costs for doctors, midwives and anaesthetists.
  • Hospitalisation: Room and board costs in hospital.
  • Emergency measures: Necessary medical interventions such as a caesarean section.

Postnatal services and aftercare

After the birth, various services are covered by health insurance to ensure the health of mother and child:

  • Home visits by the midwife: In the first 10 days after the birth, the mother is entitled to home visits by a midwife. If necessary, further visits are possible until the 56th day after the birth.
  • Follow-up examinations: Check-ups with the mother 6 to 8 weeks after the birth.
  • Breastfeeding advice: Support and advice from specialised professionals.

Does health insurance cover the costs of a midwife after the birth?

Yes, your health insurance will cover the costs of a midwife after the birth. Basic insurance covers the costs of up to 10 home visits by a midwife in the first 10 days after the birth. The midwife's visits serve to monitor the health of mother and child, check wound healing, help with breastfeeding and provide general support. If necessary, up to the 56th day after the birth, a further 6 visits by the midwife can be covered by the health insurance. 

Do I have to pay a deductible and excess during pregnancy and after the birth?

No, during pregnancy and after the birth, no deductible or excess is payable in Switzerland for services covered by basic insurance. This regulation applies to all necessary medical services in connection with maternity. In detail, this means

  • Pregnancy check-ups: All necessary check-ups, including the prescribed ultrasound examinations, are exempt from cost sharing.
  • Birth: The costs of giving birth in hospital, a birthing centre or at a home birth, as well as the care provided by specialist medical staff, are covered in full by basic insurance.
  • Puerperium and postnatal care: Services covered by health insurance, such as midwife visits and follow-up examinations, are also excluded from the deductible and excess.

Supplementary insurance benefits for maternity

In addition to basic insurance, many health insurance companies offer supplementary insurance that provides additional benefits and comfort during maternity. Supplementary insurance covers maternity benefits such as entitlement to a single room in hospital, alternative treatment methods or additional ultrasound examinations. It is worth finding out about the various options at an early stage and weighing up whether supplementary insurance makes sense.

What psychological counselling or therapies are covered during and after pregnancy?

The most important psychological services for maternity that are covered by health insurance are listed below:

1. psychological counselling and therapy

  • Psychological counselling: Basic insurance covers the costs of psychological counselling provided by a recognised psychologist. These counselling sessions can help you cope with emotional and psychological stress during and after pregnancy.
  • Psychotherapy: If necessary, psychotherapeutic treatments by authorised psychotherapists are also covered. This may be particularly necessary for more severe psychological problems, such as postpartum depression or anxiety disorders.

2. referral by a doctor

A referral from a doctor is usually required to ensure that the costs are covered. The treating gynaecologist or GP can issue a referral to a psychologist or psychotherapist if required.

3. general practitioner psychotherapy

  • Psychotherapy by GPs: If the GP has the appropriate training in psychotherapy, the sessions can also take place directly with them. This facilitates access to psychological support.

4. benefits for postpartum depression

  • Treatment of postpartum depression: Basic insurance covers the costs for the diagnosis and treatment of postpartum depression. This includes both drug therapies and psychotherapeutic treatments.
  • Care by specialised professionals: There are specialised facilities and professionals who focus on the treatment of postpartum mental disorders. The costs of care provided by these specialists are also covered.

5. support from midwives

  • Psychological support from midwives: Midwives play an important role in the care of pregnant women and women who have recently given birth. They offer not only physical support, but also emotional and psychological help. This support is included in the benefits for midwife visits covered by health insurance.

6 Specialised programmes

  • Programmes for mothers with mental distress: Some hospitals and health centres offer specialised programmes and groups that focus on maternal mental health. These programmes can include counselling, group therapy and support from professionals and are usually covered by basic insurance.

7. counselling and support with breastfeeding problems

  • Breastfeeding counselling: Difficulties with breastfeeding can lead to psychological stress. Basic insurance covers the costs of breastfeeding counselling, which can also include psychological support.

Which alternative treatments are covered by basic insurance during maternity?

Basic insurance covers the following alternative treatments during maternity:

  • Acupuncture
  • Chiropractic
  • Anthroposophic medicine

For more comprehensive cover and additional alternative treatments for maternity, such as homeopathy, phytotherapy, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and osteopathy, you will need to take out supplementary insurance.

What costs are covered by health insurance for a caesarean section?

In the case of a caesarean section, basic insurance in Switzerland covers all the main costs associated with the procedure. This includes the costs of the operation itself, including the fees for the surgeon and the operating team, as well as the anaesthetic. The costs of hospitalisation are also covered, including room, board and care. The health insurance also covers the costs of necessary medication and consumables during and after the operation. After a caesarean section, post-operative care and follow-up examinations in hospital are also covered, as well as care by a midwife during the hospital stay and subsequent home visits during the postnatal period. Emergency measures and interventions that are necessary in connection with the caesarean section are also fully covered.

Travelling abroad during pregnancy

If you wish to travel abroad during your pregnancy, there are certain regulations and benefits that are covered by basic insurance in Switzerland. The benefits of basic insurance during pregnancy abroad are listed below:

  1. Emergency treatment abroad: Medically necessary emergency treatment in connection with pregnancy.

  2. Emergency treatment in EU/EFTA countries: Payment of costs in accordance with the tariffs of the respective country (with European health insurance card).

  3. Emergency treatment outside the EU/EFTA: Reimbursement of a maximum of twice the costs that would have been incurred in Switzerland for the same treatment.

Which vaccinations are covered by basic insurance during pregnancy?

Basic insurance covers the flu vaccination and the pertussis vaccination during pregnancy to ensure the protection of mother and child. For other vaccinations or specific health issues, expectant mothers should consult their doctor and clarify the cost coverage with their health insurance provider.

Costs covered by health insurance for birth methods such as water birth or hypnobirthing

Water birth

  • Cost coverage: Basic insurance generally covers the costs of a water birth if it is carried out in a hospital or birthing centre that is recognised by the health insurance company. The costs of medical care during the water birth are covered.
  • Prerequisites: It is important that the facility where the water birth takes place is authorised by the health insurance company and that the birth is attended by qualified medical staff.


  • Cost coverage: The costs of hypnobirthing courses are not usually covered by basic insurance. Hypnobirthing is regarded as a method of birth preparation and falls under alternative healing methods.
  • Supplementary insurance: However, some supplementary insurance policies offer benefits for alternative antenatal classes, including hypnobirthing. It is worth contacting your own health insurance provider to find out about cover under a supplementary insurance policy.
  • Prerequisites: The assumption of costs by supplementary insurance may be subject to certain conditions, such as the course being run by a recognised provider.

Nutritional support during pregnancy

Basic insurance supports expectant mothers in Switzerland by covering the costs of nutritional counselling, provided this is prescribed by a doctor. Supplementary insurance can provide additional benefits to ensure comprehensive nutritional support during pregnancy. Expectant mothers should speak to their doctor and health insurance provider to ensure they receive the best possible support.

What benefits am I entitled to in the event of a miscarriage?

Basic insurance in Switzerland offers comprehensive support for women who suffer a miscarriage. From medical care and treatment to psychological support and aftercare, all essential services are covered to ensure the health and well-being of the women affected. It is important to obtain information from your health insurance provider and the doctor treating you in order to take advantage of all available support services.

Treatment of illnesses and accidents during pregnancy

Basic insurance in Switzerland covers the necessary medical treatment if an illness or accident occurs during pregnancy. This includes treatment of the illness as well as emergency care and aftercare following an accident. The costs are subject to the general rules for deductibles and excess, although supplementary insurance may offer additional benefits.

Compare health insurance companies during maternity

When comparing health insurance companies during maternity, you should carefully examine both basic insurance and supplementary insurance. Pay attention to the benefits covered during maternity, the level of premiums and the quality of service to find the best health insurance for your individual needs during maternity. The health insurance comparison during maternity will help you to be optimally covered and ensure financial security during maternity.

Can I change my health insurance during pregnancy?

Yes, you can change your health insurance during pregnancy. Changing health insurance during pregnancy is no problem in Switzerland. However, it is important to observe the cancellation periods and to check carefully that the new health insurance company fully covers your needs during pregnancy and after the birth.

Can I change my deductible during pregnancy?

Yes, you can change your deductible during pregnancy by applying to your health insurance company in good time before the end of the year. The change of deductible will then take effect at the beginning of the year. Carefully weigh up the pros and cons of a higher or lower deductible, especially with regard to the expected medical costs during pregnancy and after the birth.

Which health insurance is the best during maternity?

The best health insurance during maternity is the one that best fulfils your individual needs and requirements. A comprehensive comparison of the range of benefits, costs, service quality and testimonials can help you make the best choice.

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