Cost coverage by health insurance for alternative medicine

Alternative medicine is becoming increasingly popular in Switzerland. Many people are looking for natural healing methods and are wondering whether their health insurance will cover the costs. In this blog, we explain which alternative treatment methods are covered by health insurance in Switzerland and what insured persons need to bear in mind.

Alternative medicine health insurance
30.08.2024  |  Reading time: 7 Minute

What is alternative medicine?

Alternative medicine encompasses a variety of treatment methods that lie outside conventional medicine. These include acupuncture, homeopathy, traditional Chinese medicine, Ayurveda and many others. These methods rely on natural healing powers and the body's ability to heal itself.

Which alternative methods are covered by health insurance?

In Switzerland, health insurance companies cover certain alternative treatment methods as part of compulsory basic insurance. These include

  • Acupuncture: This method of traditional Chinese medicine is used for various complaints such as pain and migraines.
  • Anthroposophic medicine: This combines conventional medicine with alternative approaches and is often used for chronic diseases.
  • Homeopathy: This treatment is based on the principle of "healing like with like" and is used for acute and chronic illnesses.
  • Phytotherapy: This herbal medicine uses plant-based active ingredients to treat diseases.

However, these methods are only covered by basic insurance under certain conditions. The treatment must be carried out by a doctor with appropriate training.

Supplementary insurance for alternative medicine

Many health insurance companies offer supplementary insurance for further alternative treatment methods that are not covered by basic insurance. These insurance policies extend the catalogue of benefits and often cover a wider range of alternative methods. These include, among others:

  • Ayurveda: This traditional Indian art of healing includes herbal medicines, massages and nutritional therapies.
  • Chiropractic: This method focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal disorders.
  • Osteopathy: This manual therapy aims to treat functional disorders of the body.

Insured persons should find out exactly what benefits are covered and any restrictions before taking out supplementary insurance.

Types of alternative medicine that are covered by supplementary insurance:

  1. Ayurveda
  2. Chiropractic
  3. Osteopathy
  4. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
    • Acupuncture
    • Tuina
    • Qigong
  5. Homeopathy
  6. Phytotherapy
  7. Anthroposophic medicine
  8. Naturopathy
  9. Bach flower therapy
  10. Reflex zone therapy
  11. Kinesiology
  12. Shiatsu
  13. Aromatherapy
  14. Acupressure
  15. Biological medicine
  16. Hydrotherapy
  17. Feldenkrais
  18. Rolfing
  19. Nutritional counselling (as part of alternative medicine)
  20. Moxibustion

Which health insurance companies cover the costs of alternative medicine?

The following health insurance companies cover the costs of alternative medicine:

  1. CSS Insurance
  2. SWICA
  3. Helsana
  4. Sanitas
  5. Concordia
  6. Visana
  7. Sympany
  8. KPT
  9. Groupe Mutuel
  10. ÖKK
  11. EGK
  12. Atupri

Important information for insured persons

  • Choice of doctor: In order for the costs to be covered by health insurance, the treatment must be carried out by a recognised and qualified therapist.
  • Preliminary clarification: It is advisable to obtain a declaration of assumption of costs from the health insurance company before starting treatment. This way, insured persons avoid unexpected costs.
  • Billing of benefits: Billing is often carried out directly by the health insurance company. However, insured persons should ensure that they submit all the necessary receipts and documents.

Are all alternative healing methods covered by health insurance?

No, compulsory basic insurance only covers certain alternative healing methods, such as acupuncture, homeopathy, anthroposophic medicine and phytotherapy. Supplementary insurance is usually required for other methods.

Does the treatment have to be carried out by a doctor?

Yes, the health insurance company will only cover the costs if the treatment is carried out by a qualified doctor with appropriate training.

Is supplementary insurance for alternative medicine worthwhile?

This depends on your individual needs. Anyone who regularly makes use of alternative healing methods can benefit from supplementary insurance, as it covers a wider range of treatments.

How do I find out which alternative methods are covered by my health insurance?

You can find detailed information on cost coverage on the website of your health insurance company. It is also advisable to enquire directly with your health insurance company and have the benefits confirmed in writing.

Are the costs of alternative medicine also covered abroad?

This depends on the respective health insurance company and the type of insurance. With supplementary insurance, it is often possible to be reimbursed for treatment abroad. You should enquire about this with your health insurance company in advance.

Is there an annual upper limit for the assumption of costs for alternative medicine?

Yes, many health insurance companies have an annual upper limit for the reimbursement of costs for alternative healing methods. The exact amount of this limit varies depending on the insurance policy and should be enquired about in advance.

What should I do if my health insurance company refuses to cover the costs?

If the health insurance company refuses to cover the costs, you can lodge an objection. Enclose all relevant documents and medical certificates and explain why the treatment is necessary. In some cases, a medical report can help to substantiate the necessity of the treatment.

Does basic insurance also cover preventive measures in alternative medicine?

As a rule, basic insurance does not cover preventive measures unless they are medically necessary and prescribed by a doctor. Supplementary insurance may be considered for preventive treatments.

Am I free to choose alternative methods?

The choice of alternative methods may be restricted by the conditions of the insurance. It is important that the methods are recognised by the health insurance company and that the treatments are carried out by qualified therapists.

Are alternative healing methods safe?

Alternative healing methods are generally considered safe if they are carried out by qualified and experienced therapists. However, it is important to discuss possible risks and side effects with the treating doctor and ensure that the chosen method is suitable for the individual health situation.

Can I use alternative healing methods without a doctor's referral?

A doctor's referral is usually required for costs to be covered by basic insurance. The conditions for supplementary insurance may vary, so it is important to check with your health insurance provider.

What happens if an alternative treatment is not successful?

The effectiveness of alternative medicine can vary from person to person. If a treatment does not produce the desired results, you should discuss this with your doctor or therapist and consider alternative treatment options if necessary. There is no guarantee that the costs of further treatments will be covered if the first one was not successful.

Do I have to pay in advance and submit the invoices myself?

The procedure varies depending on the health insurance company and insurance policy. You often have to pay the costs yourself first and then submit the invoices to the health insurance company. It is advisable to keep all receipts carefully and find out about the exact procedure from your health insurance company.

Are there differences in the assumption of costs between different cantons?

Basic insurance is standardised throughout Switzerland, but supplementary insurance can vary from canton to canton. It is worth comparing the conditions and offers of the health insurance companies in your canton of residence.

Can I use several alternative healing methods at the same time?

It is possible to use several alternative healing methods at the same time, but the cost coverage depends on the conditions of your insurance. It is important to inform the health insurance company in advance and ensure that all treatments are carried out by qualified therapists.

Can I claim the costs of alternative treatments retrospectively?

In many cases, it is possible to claim costs for alternative treatments retrospectively, provided the treatment was carried out by a recognised therapist and the health insurance company generally recognises the method. However, it is advisable to clarify this with the health insurance company in advance.

Does health insurance cover alternative healing methods during pregnancy?

Some alternative healing methods are specifically recommended for pregnant women and can be covered by health insurance. These include, for example, acupuncture to alleviate pregnancy complaints. However, it is important to inform your health insurance provider in advance and ensure that the treatment is carried out by a qualified therapist.

What happens if the therapist is not recognised?

If the therapist is not recognised by the health insurance company, the costs of the treatment are generally not covered. It is important to check that the therapist is recognised by the health insurance company in advance to avoid any unpleasant surprises.

Which health insurance company covers alternative medicine the most?

SWICA is known for offering the most comprehensive support for alternative medicine. It covers a wide range of alternative treatment methods and offers generous benefits under its supplementary insurance policies.

For a detailed comparison and to find the best health insurance for alternative medicine, visit our health insurance comparison.

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